Prompt 22 (178)
Your character has never felt rage like this before. Support the prompts
Your character has never felt rage like this before. Support the prompts
A group of people fight over a carnival prize. Support the prompts
Your character has never felt rage like this before. Support the prompts
Someone has a long night ahead of them. Support the prompts
A cooler, a television and a dustpan. Support the prompts
It’s no secret that realistic characters bring life and realism to a story and make it unforgettable. A realistic character is a character who’s complex and multifaceted. Readers connect with them because they feel like real people. But if you,… Read More »How to Write Realistic Characters
Your character is wearing a costume in an inappropriate setting. Support the prompts
Your protagonist and antagonist are stuck on a boat together. Support the prompts
A pitiful display of heroics. Support the prompts
Someone’s convinced they’re being followed by a lawyer. Support the prompts