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January 2020 Doodle Prompts

    One of my goals for 2020 is to improve my drawing. So, I created daily single word prompts for those days when I need extra inspiration. Each month, there will be a new set of prompts. Stay tuned because next month, I’m going to share the resources and online classes I’m using to teach myself how to draw.

    1. Champagne glasses
    2. Ruby
    3. Dumb bell
    4. Hammer
    5. Wrist watch
    6. Shortbread cookies
    7. Mountains
    8. Argyle
    9. Hot chocolate
    10. Spoon
    11. Milk
    12. Pharmaceuticals
    13. Sushi
    14. Boxing glove
    15. Bagel
    16. Candle
    17. Rum
    18. Spinach
    19. Sardines
    20. Butterscotch
    21. Toast
    22. Shoe laces
    23. Winter hat
    24. Tire
    25. Penguin
    26. Saffron
    27. Lamp
    28. Kazoo
    29. Puzzle
    30. Pancake plant
    31. Oven

    While these say doodle prompts, feel free to use these however you want. If you write poetry, use them in your poetry. If you write short stories, use them in your short stories. These prompts have no rules.

    Whatever you create, use #TheYearOfDoodles2020 on Instagram.

    Support the prompts